Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dollar Tree Lash Out Fake Eyelashes by Color Mates: Review

 I didn't always like fake eyelashes. In fact, I hated them because I couldn't figure out how the hell to get them to stay glued in place without a ton of swearing, getting glue everywhere and then I usually got pissed said, "fuck it. I'm done with this shit" and put mascara on anyway. 

When I had my accident in February 2019, I had a lot of vision issues, including Bell's Palsy which still comes and goes when it wants to. My neurological ophthalmologist prescribed an eyepatch. They aren't comfortable because most don't have the cone shape in the center so that your eye can comfortably move while it's not in use. Our eyes may be independent, but for the most our eyelids are not and so even if you can't see, or your eye isn't working, it still moves so that it can stay lubricated and in good physical repair. I hated patching because it doesn't allow this movement, and it caused a lot of headaches (until I made myself a really bitchin lace patch that doesn't work as well but looks cool,) so I learned to properly apply fake eyelashes. 

On bad vision days, which I still have every so often, I will wear double lashes on the same eye so that I don't have to worry about wearing my uncomfortable patch. It filters out more light than nothing, and looks a lot more normal, but isn't quite the best. But since I still have some vision in my eye, it works for me. 

I was not expecting much from these lashes when I picked them up on an end cap. They look every bit as fake as the ones that came on those creepy dolls from the 80's whose eyes moved when you shook them. Creepy AF but whatevs. When you're feeling creepy, by all means, creep on. I used the same KISS black tinted aloe lash glue I use to apply my more expensive lashes. The lashes are a bit more plastic feeling than I care for but it doesn't affect the way that they look. Once applied, they don't look as stiff as they feel, but they don't seem to have quite the same natural look as some of my more expensive lashes, but they weren't uncomfortable to wear. Because they feel more like nylon bristles from a toothbrush, they collect every bit of dust that floats in the air. I wore them for 10 hours overall. 

Overall, I give these Dollar Tree lashes a solid 7. I was able to comfortably wear them for 10 hours and they weren't heavy, didn't obscure my vision more so than it ever is, but I also don't feel bad about tossing them at the end of the day. 

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